My 2022 Word of the Year

January is here! The last two years have been a doozy, to say the least. And if you are like me you may have struggled to set goals for the new year. In the last couple of weeks, I can’t even begin to tell you how often goals or resolutions have come up during conversations. 

This is that time of year when many people set goals or resolutions for the upcoming year, To lose weight, To eat healthier, To run a marathon and this list goes on. Instead, I select a word of the year. This word of the year sets an intention and directs my path forward for the year. I’ve been selecting a Word of the year since 2018. Last year my word was “Confidence”, in 2020 my word was “Bloom”, and in 2019 my word was “Overflow”.

This year I had a long but shortlist of words I wanted to focus on but my gut said to keep searching. It wasn’t until earlier this week in the middle of the night when I realized my word for the year had been staring me in the face everywhere.

My 2022 word of the year is “Intentional”. The word Intentional means done on purpose. I want to focus on living intentionally. I want to be intentional with my time, finances, relationships, self-care, prayer life, my health and wellness, what I dedicate my energy to, and what content and brand partnerships I feature on this blog. 

This year I am truly focusing on loving myself enough to create the life I’ve always wanted and deserve. Intentional living means building your life around your core beliefs and values. Before doing something, I want to get into the habit of asking myself “Does this support the life I’m trying to create or what God wants for me?” I chose this word because I have been living on autopilot and need to pause and do things that serve me best and bring me joy.

This graphic below is what inspired me to choose the word “Intentional” for my word of the year. It reflects everything that I want out of 2022.

Do you have a word of the year or goal that you are focusing on for 2022? Tell me in the comments below.