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My March Goals

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As I was writing out this blog post, I thought I can’t believe we are already in March. It feels like the start of the new year was just yesterday. I’m big on goal setting and working towards my goals. This year I’m approaching goal setting differently and I’m using Powersheets, a goal-setting planner to keep myself accountable for my goals each month. Each month I work with an accountability buddy to discuss our goals. For the month of February, I didn’t do the best job of writing down my goals in my Powersheets journal but I did have some pretty amazing wins that I want to tell you about. 

February Wins

  • As you may know, I’ve been on a journey to pay off all of my consumer debt and student loans. I’ve set a goal to complete this by the age of 40. I’m 37 now and turn 38 in October. I have about 21k in credit card debt and 45k in student loans. My goal is to have all of my credit card debt paid off by this time next year. The first milestone in my debt-free journey happened in February. I paid off my car 21 months early. I received an influx of cash and put it all straight into my debt. 

  • I put on my vision board that I wanted to build a stronger body in 2023. I’ve been prioritizing strength training at least four times a week. I just started adding cardio back into my routine two times a week. I went to my functional medicine doctor last week and found out that I lost fat and gained muscle. Which is a huge step toward my goal. 

  • If you remember when I set my annual goals, I said I wanted to start doing electrolysis to permanently remove hair on parts of my body. Well, I started my first round of treatments last month. It’s going well so far and I’ll plan to share more about my journey soon. 

  • One of my annual goals was to find a new sense of community in my city. In January, I started going to a new church that I love. To get more plugged into the community, I signed up for a six-week bible study which starts in March. 

February flew by like the wind but it was overall a great month. 

And now, onto March!

This month, I want to prioritize bringing joy into all areas of my life. To be fully transparent in the latter part of 2022, I experienced seasonal depression and winter blues which took a huge hit on my confidence levels. I’m feeling much better now. I have two mantras for this month and they are to “Conquer my peaceful warrior energy” and “May you be happy, healthy, safe and live with ease.”

I’m looking forward to accomplishing my March goals. This month is all about settling into rhythms I started in the new year. Like having a great morning routine, sticking to my sleep schedule, cleaning the house little by little each day so I can enjoy my weekends, walking daily, prioritizing a healthy fitness routine and smart snacking. 

For this month, I need to focus on some business admin tasks that I let fall by the wayside. Now that the weather is starting to warm up, I want to do some free things around Atlanta. I also want to get ahead on spring cleaning and get organized around the home. From a financial standpoint, the plan is to use the money that I had for my car payments to add to my savings and pay off one credit card with a small balance. 

What are your goals for this month? Please leave a comment below.