After Sunday Dinner

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How to pack the perfect picnic basket

The summer months call for us to turn off our ovens and dine outdoors. Rather it be outside at the park with friends or at the beach with family, picnics are a great way to come together and share a good meal. Over the next few days, I’m sharing how to pack the perfect picnic basket along with some of my favorite portable recipes.

Today I’m kicking off this three-part series with a guide on how to pack the perfect picnic basket. I’ll be sharing with you a checklist of all of the essentials you need to prepare for your next picnic.

1. Wine- Wine is what makes an alfresco dining experience fun! Have each person coming to your picnic bring their favorite wine to pair with their dish. This is a creative way to turn your picnic into a wine tasting. Worried about keeping your wine cold on a hot summer day? This wine cooler is perfect for keeping your bottles chilled while dining outdoors. 

2. Non-Alcoholic Beverages-Its important to stay hydrated during these hot summer months. I love bringing lemonade, sweet tea or fruit infused waters to picnics. I always try to keep in mind that everyone doesn’t always like alcohol and there may be kids around. 

3. Plates and Utensils- Try to find plastic plates and utensils to reduce waste at your picnic. I found these cute wine glasses and plastic plates that are easy to toss or clean when you get home. 

4. A Basket- Searching for the perfect basket can be a challenge because there are so many on the market. I loved this basket because it collapses and is waterproof, so if you are having a picnic at the beach its easy to carry and take home. 

5. A Blanket- Finding a waterproof picnic blanket is essential when dining outdoors. It makes spills easier to clean up because you can just shake it off, wipe it up, and put it in the wash when you get home. 

6. Fruit- Fruit is a great way to add a splash of color to your picnic. Bring a variety of colorful fruits like sliced strawberries, kiwi, peaches, and grapes in portable containers for your friends and family to enjoy. 

7. Sandwiches- Sandwiches and wraps work really well at picnics because they don’t require refrigerator for a long time. You can make a variety of meat and vegetarian options to satisfy everyone attending. 

8. Salads- I like to bring a variety of salads to my picnics. Salads are great because they can be chilled on ice or left alone for about an hour. I like to bring a pasta salad and a regular salad to give my friends and family options. You can put your salads in individual mason jars or to-go containers to personalize the experience. 

9. Desserts- Desserts are tricky when dining outdoors because bugs like sweets. But I have a huge sweet tooth and love having desserts at picnics. Finding a plate cover can prevent food poisoning and bugs from ruining your food.