After Sunday Dinner

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2018 Goals

Last weekend a few of my friends and I gathered together to put together our vision boards for 2018. If you remember my blog post from a few years ago on how to create a vision board, you know that I'm a huge believer in putting your goals and aspirations out in the universe. 

The holidays were a little sad for me as my family and I coped with the loss of my grandmother. So, I spent my holidays unplugged and off social media to unwind and reflect. Which is something I plan to do more of in 2018. Unplugging allowed me to listen to God and think about my goals for the new year. 

One// Unplug more

Unplugging a little bit during the holidays was nice. It reminded that you can miss out on the important things in life like connecting with family and friends if your face is always tied to a screen. It is hard to unplug when my day job and running this blog require me to be online all day. I plan to unplug at least one weekend a month in 2018. 

Two// Embrace my journey

2017 was filled with breakups, ending of friendships, hospital stints and me pondering what to do with this blog. I often tend to plan for the future which is hard when you are supposed to leave things up to God. So in 2018, I am going to achieve being present over perfect and embrace my journey. 

Three// Travel more

I've been fortunate enough to travel all over the United States and travel internationally. The world is a huge place and there are still several countries and cities I would like to visit. My first trip of 2018 is already in the works. I'm excited because this will be my first trip internationally since my trip to Aruba two years ago

Four// Learn a new craft/skill a month

In 2016, I set a goal to read a book a month. This year I set a similar goal and this time it is to learn a new craft/skill a month. My first class is at the end of this month. So stay tuned for recaps on the blog each month. 

Five// Focus on my health

I am an overall health conscious person and I watch what I eat. This year my focus is to meal prep more and get back in the gym. I just signed up for TRX training classes and I am about to embark on 40-day yoga challenge. So stay tuned for weekly recaps on the blog to hear about how my challenge is going. 

Six// Save, Save, Save

For the past year, I have been following the Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program. I am currently in Baby Step Two and have paid off all my credit cards. My focus for 2018 is to ambush my student loan debt. I spent most of 2016 and 2017 in grad school getting my masters in Integrated Marketing, now that I am done with school its time get rid of those students loans. My goal is to finish paying them off in 2019. So as I reach milestones in Baby Step Two, I will share details of my progress here on the blog. 

Seven// A new look and feel for Eat.Drink.Shop.Love

My goals are to make some big changes here on the blog. Throughout 2017 the biggest question I got from readers was "Are you still blogging?" Yes, but working a full-time job as a content strategist and going to grad school started to take over my life. During that period, I decided that Eat.Drink.Shop.Love needed to grow up. I decided to slow down the amount of content I shared here on the blog until I figured out what that meant. In 2018, Eat.Drink.Shop.Love will be changing and the type of content I'll be sharing will be more personal. So think new look, new name, new experience. I will share more details later on. 

What are your goals for the new year?