10 things I do before 10 am


I never used to be a morning person. I remember the days when I would have to literally drag myself out of bed to start my day. When I started working, I quickly started to understand the importance of being an earlier riser. And just like that with the help of my multiple alarms, I quickly became a morning person. I’m typically up between the hours of 5-8 a.m. Just because I’m up at the crack of dawn doesn’t mean I’m ready to jump right into the workday. It takes my body at least a half hour to start moving and socialize with people. I found myself having a routine during the first few hours of the day. Now that we are working from home full-time, I thought I would give you a glimpse into how I start my day.

Prayer/ Devotional Time

One of the first things I do in the morning right after I’ve gone to the restroom and brushed my teeth is open my bible app on my cell phone to read my devotional for the day. This helps set the mood for my day and shifts my mindset.

Drink Lemon Ginger Water

Since we’ve been in quarantine, my mom and aunt have motivated me to start my day with a cup of lemon ginger water. There are so many health benefits to drinking lemon water in the morning. It not only helps keep you hydrated but it aids in digestion as well. I started adding ginger in the morning for an energizing kick.

Call my Mom

My mom and I have a ritual where we call each other every morning just to say hello. When I was going into the office, we would talk on the phone during our commutes into the office. Now that we are working from home we chat each morning around 8 a.m.


If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I am currently doing the BeachBody Morning Meltdown 100 program. This workout series includes 100 daily 20-30 minute fitness classes. During the first few weeks of working from home, I found myself becoming very sedentary. So I shifted my mindset and said I need to get my body moving throughout the day. I started to go on 5 mile walks in my neighborhood in the morning. I wanted an additional challenge so I started the fitness program. I’m loving it so far and I am seeing immediate results.

Check my emails and social media feeds

As a lifestyle blogger and business owner, I can’t start my day without checking my phone. I cringe writing this but it’s one of the first things I do when I wake up. I sleep with my phone on silent at night so when I wake up I check to see what emails, phone calls, text messages, and social media notifications I missed.

Say hello to my garden

My dad got me into the mantra of walking out to my patio to say hello to my garden each morning. I take my cup of lemon water with me and sit on my patio for a few minutes while I check on my plants and meditate before my workday begins.

Make up my bed

For some reason for years I used to hate making up my bed in the morning. One of my college friends, Amanda shared a tip with me several years ago that if you make up your bed your room will look neater. So I now I include making my bed as a part of my morning ritual.

Make Breakfast

I have to start my day with a nutritious breakfast. My entire day will feel thrown off if I don’t make time to eat in the morning. A few of my favorites breakfast dishes to make lately are oatmeal, egg whites with turkey sausage, protein smoothie bowls, avocado toast, and bagel sandwiches.

Shower and Get Dressed

After working from home for weeks, you can easily get accustomed to staying in your pajamas. One of the things I’ve always done when working at home is to shower and get dressed in comfortable but cute clothes. I even put on makeup in the morning. This boosts my mindset and productivity for the day.

How do you start your day? Comment below to share if any of these things are a part of your morning routine.