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How to do Whole 30 on a strict budget

#septemberwhole30 started earlier this week and millions of people around the world including myself have committed to giving up grains, dairy, legumes, sugar, and alcohol for thirty days. I completed the Whole 30 program last year for the first time and felt better than ever afterward. I’ve been working out daily and eating healthy for the most part but haven’t been seeing any results. So I decided my body needed a reset. When I found out about the Whole 30 September campaign, I committed to doing this again to see what foods were messing with my system and slowing down my progress.

Whole 30 can be expensive but if you are on a budget like I am, there are ways to do it. I’m sharing a few tips on how to participate in the Whole 30 program if you are on a budget. 

Tip 1: Keep meals simple

I think the biggest misconception about meal planning and Whole 30 is that your meals have to be gourmet and super complex because you are giving up things you would typically eat. That's a myth. Earlier this week I made my favorite recipe from the Whole 30 cookbook-Salmon Cakes, it literally only took me 20 minutes to make and the ingredients were inexpensive staples I already had in my pantry. The night before I had a bunless turkey burger with brussel sprouts and a baked potato. So you can see that your meals can be affordable and easy to make while on Whole 30.

Tip 2: Write out your meal plan before you go shopping

One thing I always do when I grocery shop is I take a look at the sales ads for all my favorite stores before I go shopping and plan my meal plan according to what's on sale. This helps me write out my meal plan for the week and avoid any impulse buys. I found this to be especially important while doing Whole 30.

Tip 3: Invest in condiments 

My biggest piece of advice during your Whole 30 journey is to invest in your condiments. I typically splurge on high-quality condiments like Coconut Oil, Liquid Coconut Aminos, Almond Flour, Almond Butter, Avocado Oil Mayo and Dairy-Free Salad Dressings. These items are going to be on the pricey side but are worth the splurge during your Whole 30 journey.

Tip 4: Hit up your big box retailers 

Costco became my favorite place to shop the last time I completed Whole 30. It’s a great place to purchase almond flour, coconut oil, almond butter, almond milk, coconut aminos, protein bars, and meats in bulk.

Tip 5: Scour the clearance bins

I was surprised to find so many Whole 30 approved products on clearance at my local grocery store. I recently found Tessamaes salad dressing and BBQ sauce at my local kroger marked down at half the retail price. So make sure to check the clearance area of your grocery store. 

Lastly, enjoy this whole 30 experience. It’s a unique experience and the key thing is making it work for your schedule and lifestyle,